impact of digital marketing on consumer behaviour

How does Digital Marketing influence Consumer Behavior in India?

In the last few years, the growth of digital marketing was rapid. The covid-19 pandemic put a huge impact on digital marketing. As a result, digital marketing has become the basis of the social marketing world.

The impact of digital marketing is surely influencing traditional businesses to come online. So, it is certain that consumer behavior will be recorded too, as everything is online. There are many reasons why the impact of digital marketing is high on consumer behavior.

It’s because of the information. Nowadays, while signing in through a mail id, every movement is being recorded and verified by the platforms. Digital marketing is mainly being done through social media platforms. The consumer’s likes and dislikes, time while buying, preferences, and others are being captured by digital marketers.

So, to scale up a business, there is no comparison of a digital marketing platform. The impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior in India is showing a positive result.

How The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behaviour in India is working?

The Social Media Platforms

social media platforms

The world knows the value of social media platforms. Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media platforms are keeping in touch with the whole world. We often share, like, and react to our favorite merchandise and choices. The AI catches the information.

Digital marketers are using various AI-based sponsored ads. These are mainly featured by the social media platform themselves. They’ll turn your interest from cold to hot. The algorithms remember the user’s list and continuously show them the products. 

Promotions Both Organic and Paid

organic and paid marketing

In most cases, paid ads are catching our attention. If you take a close look at this digital marketing system, the network is drastically large. The most interesting thing is, every point is connected. 

When you search for something on a search engine or follow a relevant product on any social media, you can see the organic results. Now, the algorithms will have an idea regarding your taste. They’ll create a funnel and show you all the paid ads wherever consumers go.

Even sometimes, consumers just think about the product and can see those on ads. How’s that possible? Because digital marketers know that as you have searched for something on search engines or followed something on social media, you must be thinking about the relevant products and so on. 

Thus the network of digital marketing Indirectly pushes the consumers to buy their products. If these weren’t digital, selling the same product can be difficult. So, the impact of digital marketing, from the marketing point of view, is very high.

Increment of E-Commerce Stores

e-commerce growth 2022

The biggest impact of digital marketing is the increase of e-commerce websites. In India, people took the time to understand the value of the e-commerce website. The maximum consumers in India, feel insecure about buying something online. But after realizing the positive sides, day by day the interest is growing.

Such a part of the result is the growth of online stores. You can buy anything and can find any product online. E-commerce websites are present there. Even some offline marketers started selling products both online and offline.

The impact of digital marketing is clear. It created demand and supplied the values simultaneously. It’s making India a digitally healthy country. 

These are three major impacts of digital marketing. However, there are some other benefits too. Those are as follows. 

1. Trial, Experiments, and Research

trial, experiments, and research in digital marketing

The biggest nightmare of the Indians was regarding the bad product condition (both physical and digital) while buying something online. Here’s the plus point now. Due to the impact of digital marketing, product comparison, reviews, and testimonials are being published regularly.

All over, every single product is being promoted. Some are doing affiliate reviews due to the exchange of some commission and some are just writing their experiences. These testimonials are now of much value for the consumers. People don’t easily trust anybody but these reviews especially with ratings are so precious to consumers.

Again, due to the impact of digital marketing, consumers love to do experiments on their thoughts. Undoubtedly, offline marketing doesn’t allow us all the opportunities to experiment. The refund with replaceable guarantee, the 100% money-back guarantee, and all related staff is helping the consumers to think out of the box.

Surely, the impact of digital marketing puts positive changes on people’s minds and removes all the myths.

2. Consumers are Free to Switch Brands

consumers have options to switch their brands

Switching the existing brand is not a good thing unless your experience is going worse day by day. Now the open question for the consumer is, which brand is good? Selecting a random brand is just a time waste because when you are habituated with one, they already know your requirements.

Here comes another impact of digital marketing. The algorithm knows what your requirement is. They know very well which product is going to fulfill your wish. Then they start showing you the relevant products with ads, they’ll show you the customer reviews, will entertain you with the testimonials and all. They’ll surround the consumer’s internet life with all the highlights of the product.

Thus, they’ll create trust in you. As you’ll enter their funnel, the brand will be your digital partner. Every new update will reach the consumer. Isn’t this impact of digital marketing great?

3. The ORM Marketing Strategy

online reputation marketing management strategy

ORM stands for Online Reputation Management strategy. Last but not the least, ORM is another big impact of digital marketing. Because competition is very high. Among the mess, those who can survive will last up to the end.

ORM is a strategy that helps to reach the company to the consumer’s query whenever they need. Consumers always expect good customer care while shopping online. Most of the digital marketing services are offering this and winning consumers’ attention. It’s certainly had a great impact on digital marketing.


So far we have seen a lot of impact of digital marketing. Problems will always be there. But the best thing regarding digital marketing is, you can solve it quickly. If a good strategy is being followed, it won’t take long to make it a brand. We hope the impact of digital marketing is now clear to you.


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